If you came looking for a kernel of truth, you popped over to the right blog!
But seriously, let’s talk corn. There is nothing quite like it. Crispy, hot on the cob, smothered in butter, salt, and peppery goodness. More recently, covered in sour cream and spiked with a Cajun seasoning and queso fresco. Elote, Grilled Corn on the Cob, Mexican Street corn, however, you refer, is delicious, and we have human ingenuity to thank for it!
Corn is, in fact, a human invention. It is not a plant that you will find in the wild. It only survives when it is planted and cultivated by humans. While it seems impossible to nail down an exact date, most scientists and historians agree that the people who inhabited the central Mexico regions were the first to develop corn sometime between 5000 and 7000 years ago.
It all started with a wild grass called teosinte. It looked a great deal different than modern corn, with much smaller kernels spaced farther apart than the beautiful and consistent rows we consume today. Over the centuries, this crop eventually became known as maize. The Native America Nations throughout both North and South America came to depend very heavily on this crop to supply a large portion of their food.
It wasn’t until about 1000 years ago that maize crops started to spread outward from the central regions of Mexico into the Southwestern United States, Texas, and down the southern coast of Mexico into other Central American Regions and then into Peru. As they moved into the woodlands of the eastern half of North America, they planted and replanted the crop allowing it to adapt to different soils and climates, further changing its makeup.
Corn is now one of the essential ingredients in Mexican agriculture and cuisine. It’s an ingredient in masa dough which used to make a wide variety of Mexican dishes like corn tortillas, pupusas, tamales, and more!
It should come as no surprise that Grilled Corn has become such a hit. We are always looking for that perfect dish that requires very little time to prepare, but delivers a big punch of flavor, is easy to eat, and is visually impressive. Grilled corn is bursting with flavor and is a massive crowd-pleaser because it magnificently delivers on all of these points.
We take great care at Nacho Hippo to provide our guests with high-quality, exceptionally flavorful Grilled corn on the cob. This requires a perfect grill with the right combination of flavors added before bringing it to our guests at their tables. We take our time grilling the corn while it is still in the husk before putting that husk back and drizzling the corn with sour cream spiked with Cajun seasoning and queso fresco. The result is bite after bite of crispy and delicious corn and delighted taste buds.
We proudly serve every dish on our menu, but our Grilled corn on the cob has a special place in our hearts. Once you try it, it will also hold a special place for you! Stop by Nacho Hippo today. Order yourself an ear of Grilled corn on the cob….or maybe two!
Does our Grilled Corn on the cob have your attention? Are you curious about what other enticing items can be found on the Nacho Hippo menu? Check out our menu online here: https://nachohippo.com/food/
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